Colin Patterson
Colin has more than 40 years’ experience in all major aspects of mining and has held executive management positions at numerous mining and exploration companies worldwide, the most recent as Executive Chairman of Philippine listed gold producer, Apex Mining. He is an Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy fellow, holds a Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Mining) and a Bachelor of Commerce in Business Economics (Finance).
Stuart Kemp
Stuart is an MBA qualified Chartered Accountant with 30 years of experience working across various industry sectors in senior Financial, Operational and General Management roles. Stuart has worked for leading, innovative corporations in the UK, New Zealand and across SE Asia including London Listed Bluebird Merchant Ventures, Lloyd’s underwriters Janson Green, the London Ambulance Service, Brunei Royal Garages, Carter Holt Harvey and Technology One.
Graham Eves
Graham has had a career in industry around the world: developing GKN’s international operations; funding, commercialising, and licensing technology businesses. He was involved in the launch of the AIM Market and was on the London Stock Exchange’s AIM Advisory Committee. More recently, Graham was responsible for bringing AB Dynamics to AIM in 2013, which has since become one of the stars of the market and continues to mentor a range of UK and US technology companies.
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