Our Top 10 Most Frequently Asked Questions

What is a concise overview of iVapps?
iVapps is a UK based smart engineering company focussed on next generation sustainable systems for monitoring and flow management of water and other fluids for commercial and industrial entities. It is the only company in the world that provides quick access into fluid networks utilising its proprietary interchangeable cartridges housing telemetry or quite uniquely a valve cartridge. The system enables significantly reduce network downtime through early identification of problems and rapid isolation for maintenance. In essence iVapps will revolutionize the way pipeline networks are designed and operated.
What is your core technology?
The iVapps team has engineered the world’s first fully patented system that provides digital monitoring, immediate sensor access and valve functionality at one point in a network. This system is based on a traditional standard valve specification, which houses iVapps’ unique SMART Cartridge or VALVE Cartridge that can be installed or interchanged in under 30 minutes.
The multi-functional self-powered SMART Cartridge houses sensors that measure and transmit pipeline data to the iVapps control software, which in turn provides usable information via a mobile accessible dashboard, primarily relating to water pressure, temperature, and chemistry etc. This allows for constant pipeline monitoring and the identification of multiple pipeline issues. The ability to swap out immediately means that sensors can be installed, upgraded, and maintained without a costly line shut down. When an issue is identified, the same access point can be used to insert the valve cartridge, which shuts down the pipeline immediately enabling fast and efficient repair and maintenance.
What are the key themes and innovation pillars of the business?
The Company has developed a smart engineering solution to pipeline fluid monitoring and management. The key themes are:
  • Dual functionality – one access point for instrumentation and valve capability.
  • Immediate swap out ability without disruption.
  • Maintain and optimise under full line pressure.
  • Highly quality actionable information on their networks.
  • Predicative maintenance scheduling.
  • Carbon footprint reduction through future proofing networks.
What are the key differentiators from your competition? 
iVapps has a game changing solution to pipeline monitoring, problem identification, sensor access, pipeline shutdown and subsequent maintenance, with no direct competition. The unique combination of easily replaceable monitoring and valve cartridges translates into cost efficient understanding, access and actionability.
There are currently multiple standard valve providers and data logging solutions on the market. However, these more traditional offerings are stand alone. The iVapps two-in-one solution provides both monitoring and valve functionality though the use of deployable cartridges that can be inserted or changed in less than 30 mins. The ability to easily access sensors and enact valve functionality at one pipeline point is a new standard in pipeline management and cost efficiency. One system replaces two and all under full pipeline pressure.
“The key USP is that no other solution in the world provides rapid inexpensive and easy access to pipeline flow for the purposes of collecting accurate and verifiable data. The added advantage is such data collection points can be quickly used as an isolation point if and when needed by using the unique interchangeable VALVE Cartridges.”
What’s the basic business/revenue model?
The iVapps system body represents the core of the product offering a “once in a generation” investment which houses the alternative interchangeable SMART and VALVE Cartridges. The plug and play solution is multifunctional meaning the benefits are truly realised from the sale of both the adaptable SMART and VALVE Cartridges. The intended sales model is to sell the portals, lease the cartridges and have monthly agreements for use of the dashboard. Maintenance would be part of the leasing cost.
The revenue model is a combination of Capex and Opex costs. The intention is to sell the system casing/portal as a Capex cost followed by a monthly fee for the SMART Cartridge. However, customers may just want to purchase the product as a Capital expenditure and the team will adjust accordingly.
What are the key issues you are addressing?
The iVapps system addresses multiple issues for its customers.
Combines – monitoring and valve capabilities in one system
Enables – users to measure a range of parameters temperature, flow, turbidity, pressure – all from within the telemetry or valve cartridge.
Simple deployment and management – fast, user-friendly, flexible and upgradeable hardware solutions to facilitate real-time monitoring and control at a fraction of the cost of the competition compared to conventional fixed sensor installations.
Instantaneous – Sensors can be changed in an instant.
Longevity – Softer assets in the form of monitoring equipment and digital technology tend to have shorter lifespans and can often quickly rendered obsolete by new technologies.
Longevity – Softer assets in the form of monitoring equipment and digital technology tend to have shorter lifespans and can often quickly rendered obsolete by new technologies.
Technology agnostic – allows installation and interoperability with existing digitisation technologies.
Reduced costs – no loss of downtime – minimises the need to send leakage teams to identify/ locate leak.
Maintenance Reduction Potential to help make significant reductions to leaks, bursts etc. minimises risks of missing outcome Deliver Incentives performance commitments and incurring ODI penalties etc. For the first time ever valves in a network can now be included in planned maintenance programmes.
Net Zero contribution – Contribution to water companies’ individual and collective net zero carbon commitments.
Integration – Can be fully integrated with the customer’s individual sensor requirements and current data platforms – software has options available to deliver data to the end user customised to their specific requirements e.g. every second, continuously etc.
Ability to quick and relatively inexpensive upgrades – sensors can be upgraded, recalibrated and repaired without disruption.
Why would a client buy it?
  • Combines both monitoring and valve capabilities in one pipeline access point.
  • Future proofs networks.
  • Reduce their carbon footprint.
  • Don’t need to shut down the system – it’s always on.
  • Reduce maintenance costs significantly.
  • Increase revenue from identifying lost water through leaks (lost revenue).
  • Quick inexpensive and easy replacing of outdated or defective sensors thereby ensuring that data that is collected is accurate and useable to make effective decisions.
What are the products made of?
The Company uses high specification materials to ensure the longevity of its products. The primary material for the casing and cartridges is 316L stainless steel or high-quality ductile iron, while the seals are elastomeric. Importantly, each cartridge is easily replaceable under full line pressure and therefore any issue can be dealt with instantaneously by a direct swap out translating no downtime.
What’s the longevity of the systems and compared to existing components?
The system casing that provides the access point to pipelines and houses the SMART and VALVE Cartridges have a x 2.5 life of pipe that being a minimum 125 years, while the cartridges are re-usable and only require an annual service, which due to the swap out technology is done without pipeline downtime. Servicing can be done at another location and then the cartridge is re inserted when next required.
How do you ensure that installed sensors are sending correct data?
Due to the design, the SMART Cartridge can be easily serviced without system shutdown. The software functionality is easily readable, and the diagnostics of the data clearly visualised on an easily digestible control panel. The data collected by conventional data loggers is often incorrect because the sensors need repair, upgrading, calibration or replacement. However, as such work requires lengthy network down time, it is often not carried out in a timely manner and operators have to work with defective data. As the iVapps solution can do this work very quickly without shutting down the network and operators can be comforted that data they are receiving is accurate and good decisions can be made.
Why are you more sustainable?
The iVapps system is designed to be re-usable and therefore no throw away, or one-use policy. The core system has a +100-year life estimate and as the SMART and VALVE Cartridges can be changed within 10 minutes, the ability to regularly service in a cost-effective manner is clearly evident. Significant reductions in manpower allocation for maintenance and the early identification of problems are just a few of the benefits of the iVapps system. The system has a very long life. Due to the choice of materials the portal will last for minimum 2.5 x life of pipe and even then, this can be removed and used for new pipelines. The solution is based around a fully sustainable circular economy with a reusable directive and minimal service requirements.
Why are you more cost effective than existing technologies?
The initial cost of the iVapps system compared to competitors is difficult to gauge as it is multifunctional, replacing two historically separate offerings. iVapps is a consolidation point, bringing together multiple current methods into a more modern and sustainable solution, combining monitoring and information gathering of real time data. This information is then converted into valuable and actionable information. This combination of disruptive mechanical engineering and data generation through leading electronics, allows customers to consolidate their data gathering needs in one system instead of multiple independent products that become outdated quickly. The data then allows for cost reduction effected by accessibility and predicative maintenance.
What are the key advantages against existing technologies?
The iVapps system has multiple advantages over its competitors.
  • Multifunctional – both monitoring and valve technology in one.
  • Casing is a direct replacement to standardised valves.
  • Provides instant pipeline access.
  • Easy to install into a live network.
  • Easy to upgrade.
  • Easy to service.
  • Agnostic to sensors.
  • Software can be either connected by API into MIS/SCADA solutions.

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