The iVapps body known as the PORTAL, accommodates both the SMART cartridges and VALVE cartridge offering a unique sustainable solution to fluid system monitoring, such as power optimisation, pressure modulation and leak detection.
Installed telemetry, housed within the SMART cartridge at iVapps PORTAL locations in a flow network can be rapidly upgraded. The functionality can also be immediately converted to an isolation point, using the VALVE cartridge when needed by operators.
The iVapps SMART cartridge allows fluid (water) system operators to monitor multiple parameters in the flow – such as pressure flow, temperature and chemistry. This data is extrapolated and informs water system operators of leaks and other water conditions via an easy-to-use dashboard.
The PORTAL can also be equipped with a self-powering module that recharges the power source (batteries) for the transmission of data.
The iVapps PORTAL has standard flanges and is easily recognisable to water system workers meaning no additional training is required to install.